
This is my voice, my story, my opinions, my beliefs...

"If they love your work that is always great. If they despise it, it is also a compliment... At least they felt something! Make them feel it." ~Anna Jorgenson

Monday, April 18, 2011

today I created a blog...

So my name is Josie Rae. I have a lot to say to the world. I want to be free. I want to get out. I want to see things that no one else has... which should be easy, I see everything differently anyway.
I am a college student. It's my first year, and it's almost over. It really is a bitter sweet deal. I love it here. I love being "on my own." whatever that means. More than anything, I just want to take off. Perhaps I will. It might be good for me. At the moment, I am an Art major, Psychology minor. Both are fields that inspire and interest me. Too bad I am not that good at art, and I don't really have the patients to go through 8 years of college to do anything worth while in the Psychology world.
I created this blog, because my shrink told me I should write a book. I love to write! When I do take off, I want to find myself a hole in the wall place to live, get a job at some sort of hippy store, and just live and be happy. I really have no interest in being rich, just truly happy for like a minute? please?
Anyway. I'll be the first to say that I have some issues. Definitely not like other girls. Readers will learn exactly what I'm talking about eventually.
My hope is that someone somewhere will read what I have to say and maybe I'll help them. That's all I want. To get MY VOICE out there. Hence, the name of my blog.
Life is an adventure, I hope to write it all down. I have experienced great and terrible things. I like to think they have made me a stronger woman.
I don't really know what else to say without telling you my life story, so I guess I'll end here, for now.
With much more to come! I remain yours, whoever you are,
~ miss Rae

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