
This is my voice, my story, my opinions, my beliefs...

"If they love your work that is always great. If they despise it, it is also a compliment... At least they felt something! Make them feel it." ~Anna Jorgenson

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day numero Uno!

It's mid-morning, day 1 of the rest of my life. Am I excited? HELL yess. Is it about time? WAYYY past time. But have I finally found the secret and doing something about it now? Better effing believe it, folks.

Now you might be asking yourself... "What in tarnation is this wacky chick talking about?!" 

Well, my dear friends, you shall know soon enough. In fact The results will explain themselves and the only question you will then have for me is "What are you doing, and how can I do it too?!" Are you stoked? Are you just so excited for that day? Me too. It's much sooner than you would think.

Stay tuned!

And now, for your viewing (Not so Pleasurable...) A "before" Picture. I am documenting this one-HUNDO percent! Thank you for taking this journey with me. Laugh and mock at these photos all you want :) I already am! We are kissing this nasty body goodbye, and kicking it's fat ass. Le'go.


what a fatty

back boobies. sick.

MUCH LOVE!!! and so it is...

~miss Rae


  1. I'm I like your bathing suit :) and yay so proud of you for starting this! Here for you of you need anything! Ps want to join a gym with me this summer?

  2. YEAH GO GIRL! What system are you using? document that to so others can copy your success!

    1. Thanks!!! I'm keeping it a little secret for now ;) just to show my friends and family how hot I get and make them jealous... haha
      But I will for sure be posting info SOON! I'll keep you posted.

  3. I love you! Just the way you are! You're my best friend and I wouldn't change a thing about you. But I am so proud of you for doing something that you want too! :D

    <3 Kaillee
